The INVITE ranking lists are available News

The evaluation procedures for the INVITE applications have been completed for all positions with the exception of the PhD Programme in Economics and Management. The Steering Committee approved the ranking lists on July 9, 2018.

The Rector of the University of Verona will officially publish a Rectoral decree with the ranking lists in the following days.

You can find the INVITE Ranking List in the Call page.

The final scores have been defined according to the evaluation criteria you can find here. In case of ex aequo for the same PhD, the applicant belonging to the less represented gender (in first instance) or the youngest (in second instance) has been ranked higher than the other.

What happens now

In the next few days all applicants will receive the evaluation summary report.

The PhD Office will contact the first applicant of each ranking list to collect the information for the enrolment. The selected applicants must provide the information within 15 days after the invitation email in order to register for their PhD programme.

Applicants who fail to meet this deadline will be replaced by the next applicant on the ranking list, who will be informed by email and must enrol within 15 days following the same procedure.

The INVITE PhD students will be enrolled in the PhD programme starting in the Academic Year 2018/2019 and they will be employed from 1st October 2018 to 30th September 2021.