After the success of the first edition of the series of seminars “Including Diversity in Research”, the PhD Course in Human Sciences at the University of Verona together with the INVITE project and the research centres PoliTeSse and CRED organizes a second edition for the present academic year.
Though meant for the PhD students at the University of Verona, the seminars are open to all who are interested and will take place on Zoom.
An interdisciplinary approach
The subject of how diversities can be included in research will be tackled from different disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.
In the field of philosophy, for instance, the need to develop theories that are capable to account for the many societal differences of today is all the more urgent at a time when the philosophical canon is being challenged on many fronts.
But diversity informs the theoretical and methodological questions of other disciplines too. Psychology and pedagogy are being increasingly confronted with such contexts as schools and workplaces that are highly differentiated along the lines of gender, class, race, sexual orientation, ability, or else.
History and literature share similar concerns when they aim at investigating past (and present) forms of colonialism, or when they are faced with the literary production from the “global South”.
Political and social sciences, on the other hand, are but two other examples of the long-lasting disciplinary struggle against discriminations and inequalities.
The full programme
The series comprises the following seminars:
28 January 2021, 11.00–13.00
Postcolonial Studies and beyond
Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi, Utrecht University,
To get the Zoom link and the preparatory material of the seminar, please send an email to: adrianojose.habed@univr.it
2 February 2021, 15.00–17.00 CET (NEW DATE)
A theoretical perspective on intersectionality
Prof. Sabrina Marchetti, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
To get the Zoom link and the preparatory material of the seminar, please send an email to: adrianojose.habed@univr.it
5 February 2021, 11.00–13.00
Voices in dialogue. Super-diversity and its challenges for research in education with migrant children and families
Prof. Chiara Bove, Università di Milano-Bicocca
To get the Zoom link and the preparatory material of the seminar, please send an email to: chiara.sita@univr.it
31 March 2021, 15.00–17.00
Understanding intimate relationships beyond the mainstream
Prof. Jacqui Gabb, Open University
To get the Zoom link and the preparatory material of the seminar, please send an email to: chiara.sita@univr.it
8 April 2021, 15.00–17.00
Introduction to gender and queer studies
Prof. Charlotte Ross, University of Birmingham
To get the Zoom link and the preparatory material of the seminar, please send an email to: irene.villa@univr.it
You can download the full programme in PDF here.
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