Rebeca Mantovani from São Paulo, Brazil UNIVR stories

Rebeca Mantovani is a biomedical scientist from São Paulo, Brazil. She has been guest at the University of Verona, where she had the chance to deepen her knowledge of cystic fibrosis research in Italy.

You can listen to her story in this video. The stories of other PhD students and researchers coming to the University of Verona are available here and on Youtube .

If you are interested in a PhD fellowship in Health and Life Sciences, you have plenty of opportunities:

  1. Genomics, Epidemiology–biostatistics, and Microbiology (PhD programme in Applied Life and Health Sciences)
  2. Biochemistry, and Clinical Proteomics and Genomics (PhD programme in Biomolecular Medicine)
  3. Cardiovascular Science (PhD programme in Cardiovascular Sciences)
  4. Epidemiology, Genetics and Pathophysiology (PhD programme in Clinical and Experimental Biomedical Sciences)
  5. Inflammation, Immunity and Cancer (PhD programme in Inflammation, Immunity and Cancer)
  6. Neurosciences, Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences, and Movement Sciences (PhD programme in Neuroscience, Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences, and Movement Sciences).