On 2 July 2019 the European Commission has published the last work programmes of the Horizon 2020, i.e. the official documents defining priorities and budget for the funds in research and innovation. Totally € 1.05 billion have been allocated to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for the 2020 calls, approximately the 10% of the total budget for Horizon 2020 in the next year (€ 11 billion)....
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Mario Pezzotti has been invited to Bucharest on 4 and 5 June to discuss about inter-sectorality in the MSCA

The INVITE students have organised an international dinner to exchange their cultures through foods, music and dances.

The University of Verona has published the call for applications for the 35th cycle of the Doctoral programme . Totally 135 positions are available, thereof 114 with a fellowship. The call closes on 21st of June.

Between October 2018 and February 2019 the University of Verona enrolled the candidates selected for the fourteen positions offered by the INVITE doctoral programme. Here you can find the bio-sketches and presentations of the research projects of the INVITE PhD students.

Maja Nisevic has been elected as representative for the INVITE PhD students within the Steering Committee.

Here the video of Hasmik Vardanyan who is carrying out her research on Dante in Verona within the INVITE project.

The sixth MCAA General Assembly and Annual Conference of the Marie Curie Alumni Association is taking place in Vienna next 24–25 February. Here all info.

We are very glad to share with you the first video of the #univrstories dedicated to one of the one INVITE PhD candidates. Here the story of Bruno Miguel Dos Santos Lima from Portugal.

The INVITE staff wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Our offices are closed from 22 December 2018 to 7 January 2019.